A Mad Fusion original series for NickMom, our two-season series of web shorts spoofing products for the fictional “Mom Shopping Network.” Not available on, or Target, or anywhere else for that matter.
S2 Episode 1: The Chatterbox
We changed up the second cycle to give Mom Shopping Network more of a Home Shopping Network feel. For the record, this episode aired YEARS before Alexa was a thing!
S2 Episode 2: The Food Faker
This is one product we wish was real right now!
S2 Episode 3: Mollification
We’ll take this over Beyonce’s perfume any day!
S2 Episode 4: Mom in Motion
Now, this is workout gear we can actually get behind! Get it – behind?
S2 Episode 5: The Whyner
We’d buy 2 of these if it was real! It’s totally not real, though. Bummer.
S1 Episode 1: Kid-Proof Couture
Clothing that keeps you chic no matter what your kids throw at you. Literally. It’s better than LuLaRoe!
S1 Episode 2: Pretend You’re Perfect Kits
Want to give the wannabe-Martha-Moms a run for their money? Look no further… Facebook integration for those special bragging moments you want to share with all your “friends.”
S1 Episode 3: Bathroom Breakaroo
The product that guarantees you’ll get the privacy you so desperately need! Also available for cats.
S1 Episode 4: The Teen Reader
If you’ve got teenagers, you’ll definitely appreciate this totally real product from the totally real Mom Shopping Network.
S1 Episode 5: The Motivator
You know that old saying “I don’t run unless I’m being chased?” Well, this takes it to a whole new level! Legal in only 17 states.